Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Pomp and Circumstance"

Hip hip hooray! I graduated on Friday. It was a crazy day because I stayed up until a quarter to 4 the night before graduation working on my last assignments. I had to wake up at 7 to go to graduation. My mom came up that afternoon and we spent time together. Thankfully she was there to help me get moved out and clean my apartment (she did most of the cleaning). It was nice to see such a big turn out of my family coming to the lunch and graduation. Celebrating would not have been the same without them. After I walked, my dad took me to Petsmart and I adopted a kitten. I filled out some paper work and picked up the last supply-cat food, and we were on our way. She is just the kind of cat I wanted. She loves to cuddle-she is sitting on my lap right now. Last night I was driving back to dad's when I received a phone call about an apartment I went and saw. They said it was still available if I was interested. The sad part is that one of the roommates is allergic to cats. My dad has agreed to watch Kiss for me (that's her name) until I find housing that will allow her to come. This will give me a chance to get my foot in the door as far as living in Salt Lake and I can go and visity when I have the time. I'll be moving in this next Monday. I am anxious to get my student loans payed back so that I am free to do other things. The graduation ceremony was special and I am grateful to all of those who helped me to get there. Now on to the next page of my life.

1 comment:

Dave Sohm said...

i look forward to being graduated one day. either that or some day my prince will come. . . .