Saturday, April 18, 2009

Summer alas

Woowoo. I told my roommate I've never felt this burned out before. She thought it might be senior-itis although I don't think that's the reason. I hardly had the motivation or mental energy to study for the exam I took yesterday. Five years of school-three of those summers included. I wouldn't change my education for the time spent though. I'm glad I didn't know how hard it was going to be because I don't know if I could have done it knowing what I know now. I'll have two associates degrees to show for it.
Still looking for housing. I really want to make sure I can find the best. I am willing to pay a little extra for the conveniences of washer and dryer in the apt, a quiet place with lots of light, and in a good area (and somewhere that allows pets maybe). Although I don't have enough to pay that price til mid May. I have just less than two weeks left to find housing-my goal was to move in on May 1st. I wanted for once to not be the roommate who was the last to leave.
The night before last I was reading about the Atonement from the Bible in Matthew and was touched by what I read. This sripture goes into great detail on what happened leading up to the crucifixion and until the resurrection. Elder Holland's talk from this past conference was touching to me because I had been feeling alone (as we all sometimes do). It's comforting for me to know that because of what Christ did, feeling alone is only something that is temporary.
I'm cruzing on in to finals! There WILL be a celebration! Maybe I'll throw one when I get into my new housing. I think I will do nothing productive and just watch movies and eat bon bon's( not really about the bon bon's) until I go back to work. For those of you coming to my graduation, I may send some of my stuff with you. I have acquired more substance than I brought up when my car was full. Full speed ahead!


Dave Sohm said...

"just watch movies and eat bon bon's"

I suggest playdough ice cream.

Alex said...

It's not as much fun or cracked up to all it seems to do nothing and veg. I just got thinking... I hope you have a credit card and have had it for at least 6 months and have used it. Many apt places now require credit checks. It's ridiculous to think that our children will have to have credit cards in high school. We found that pretty much the ghettos where creepy people live (and they charge too much) are the only ones in SLC that will pretty much let you in easy. I would suggest housing with the school, but then again they still haven't called us back from December when we applied. We did find a few people who wanted to give free rent if you helped them care for their loved ones. We found those on the tute housing board... that was probably the best help for us... the tute board (even though we didn't end up living there at all).