Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Being more frugal

I want to decrease my spending. I made a goal to have my loans payed back by Mid October. So far, I have been spending a little too much of my earnings. Maybe I just need to make out some kind of budget-who knows? I have been spending a lot of money on gas too. It is important for me to spend time with family and my cat but it is costing more than I 'd like. I think planning trips less often will help too. I recently thought about opening up a CD account so I can gain some interest. Alex, do you know how much interest I can earn in 90 days? Maybe I could donate the interest to getting my loans payed off. I am working full time and planned it out so that my loans would be payed off by the date I mentioned. I am still looking for ways to save money if there are more ideas out there.
I went to my new ward this Sunday and ended up liking it a lot. They seem very organized and welcoming. It's crazy not having school to go to. Now I can pick up on my lost and forgotten hobbies that I used to enjoy. So many of the big decisions in life do seem to be coming now. I am finding myself thinking about my aspirations and wondering what it is that I really want to do. My choice of career is definitely on the list. If I'm not doing anything by the time I pay back my loans, I may decide to travel. One thing that baffles me about life is that I find myself unhappy with my situation easily. I think I need to look at the good more. Maybe try Pollyanna's recipe for "The Glad Game." I was just realizing this week that there are fun thing to do and worthwhile things at that. I'm going to try and get involved in my ward, take institute, and play. I'm going to have fun while I work on my goal of paying off my loans. Being committed will help me accomplish my goal, and accomplishing my goal will allow me to continue and take the next legs of this race we call life. Happy Summer.


Alex said...

Right now rates are terrible and terriblizing even more every day. The economy is basically at dead zero and heading for the underside... well that it already has done. 90 day CD's only make what a regular savings account did one year ago. Loan rates average on 14% (low end) and that rate isn't even a tenth of what a CD would make. A 3 month CD at America First CU today is at 1.10% APY. That means if you had $2,000 for those 3 months it would make $5.48 in total. That's lame if you ask me! Far West Bank has the highest rates available in Utah from my research but I do not have their current rates... maybe I will have them in a few days when I talk to them because they don't post them online (except for their 9 month 2.45%APY with bump special).

Alex said...

oh yeah... to play around with rates and have fun seeing what they would make see:

Mishi said...

I took out a special type of loan designated for students and while I've been going to school the government pays for interest and I won't start accrueing interest until six months after graduation. After that, the interest is between 6 and 8.25%. That's too bad about the CD's-sounds like for that much time it's hardly worth the hassle.